Thursday, March 20, 2008

Luna Lounge Saturday 3/22 !!!


We've got a great show comin up this Saturday at the Luna Lounge in Williamsburg.  We're playing with our new friends Radamacher, who we met on the West Coast, and our old friends La Laque, who we met here.  I'll be frank with you; its gonna rule.  We play at 10:30, which is just about party time.

Here's a complete Murder Mystery schedule for all google calendar people in the house.

March 22nd
- Brooklyn, NY
Luna Lounge
with Radamacher and La Laque

April 19th - Hamden, CT
The Space
with Jukebox the Ghost

April 20th - Philadelphia, PA
The M Room
Presented by

April 26th - Brooklyn, NY
Music Hall of Williamsburg
with American Music Club
Tix available online

May 16th - Boston, MA
TT the Bear's Place
Presented by Ryan's Smashing Life



Thursday, March 06, 2008

Show canceled tonight... :(

Hello friends,

Unfortunately, Jeremy's sick and can't sing tonight so we have to cancel our show at Pianos tonight.  However, you should still go check out the other bands if you're in the neighborhood... AND  I'm still goin.  Its gonna rock.

And fear not, we've got a whole lot coming up...

March 22nd - Brooklyn, NY
Luna Lounge
with Radamacher and La Laque

April 19th - Hamden, CT
The Space
with Jukebox the Ghost

April 20th - Philadelphia, PA
The M Room
Presented by

April 26th - Brooklyn, NY
Music Hall of Williamsburg
with American Music Club

See you soon,


Monday, March 03, 2008

PIANOS on thursday, itunes, deli band o' the month, love astronaut -- the dance craze video

Hey friends,

Our debut album, "Are You Ready for the Heartache Cause Here it Comes," is up on itunes.  You can grab yourself a copy here:

Next item, we are the The Deli Magazine's band of the month.  Woohoo!  This means that for an entire month, there will be an awkward photo of us eating dumplings at Zabloski's sitting at the top of their web page.  Mmm, dumplings: 

And to celebrate our momentous victory, we are gonna rock PIANOS this coming THURSDAY, MARCH 6th when Jukebox the Ghost and Modern Skirts roll through on their east coast tour.  Its gonna be a great show.  We'll go on around 11.

Last but not least, "Love Astronaut" now has an official Unofficial Video.  This is the beginning of a dance craze, ladies and gentlemen.  I's gonna be bigger than the Macarena and YMCA combined.  I have no idea who this guy is, but he's my hero.  Enjoy:

See you Thursday.


March 6th
Stanton and Ludlow
with Modern Skirts and Jukebox the Ghost